China, Cambodia agree to enhance bilateral cooperation

PHNOM PENH: Visiting Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn agreed here on Sunday to further enhance cooperation between their two countries.
During a meeting with Prak Sokhonn, Wang said that he and Sokhonn have met face to face for three times in less than one year despite the COVID-19 pandemic, fully demonstrating the significance and extraordinary nature of bilateral relations.
The China-Cambodia relations, forged and nurtured by former leaderships of both countries, have weathered tests and difficulties and have become rock solid in the face of challenges in the international arena, said the Chinese state councilor.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Wang said, China and Cambodia have maintained mutual support in their concerted fight against the viral disease.
Facing a changing world, the two countries have been jointly fighting power politics and bullying, safeguarding international fairness and justice, and the common interests of all developing countries, Wang said.
He said China will continue to firmly support Cambodia in safeguarding national sovereignty and dignity, combating COVID-19 and developing economy, and playing a bigger role in regional and international arenas.
Both sides should coordinate bilateral cooperation in all areas, boosting the high-level development of China-Cambodia relations.
Wang promised that China will continue to help Cambodia fight the COVID-19 outbreak by providing vaccines and other materials.
He said China will increase imports of Cambodian agricultural products, helping push forward Cambodia’s industrialization and its economic transformation.
He expressed the wishes that the China-Cambodia free trade agreement would take effective at an early date, offering Cambodia the driving force for economic recovery. – Agencies