First Lady reviews facilities for mental health patients

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: First lady Bushra Bibi visited Punjab Institute of Mental Health on Wednesday and reviewed the facilities being provided to the patients.
According to details, Prime Minister Imran Khan’s wife visited various departments of the institute wherein she was briefed about the available facilities. The report added that the first lady sought a report from the institute regarding further improving the facilities.
It is pertinent to mention here that Bushra Bibi usually visits public places without any security protocol. In March, she paid a visit to a shelter home near Lahore’s Data Darbar. She not only broke bread with those residing in the Panagah but also inspected the facilities at hand.
Last year, the first lady visited various shelter homes located in the federal capital. During her surprise visit to one of the shelter homes, she interacted with the destitute and asked them about quality of food and facilities at the shelter home.
She also tasted the food being offered to the people there. She was accompanied by her friend Farah Khan. Bushra Imran directed the management of the facility to further improve the standard of facilities at the shelter home.
Talking to one of the occupants, the first lady said that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government has provided shelter to the homeless people, adding that the govt is committed to giving people their rights. She termed it a responsibility of the govt to look after the people at these shelter homes.