FM Wang Yi stresses efforts to safeguard peace in S.China Sea

BEIJING: China urges non-regional countries to respect regional countries’ efforts in safeguarding peace and stability in the South China Sea, and to play a constructive role on the issue, a spokesperson for Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Thursday in response to China’s decision to decline a German warship from docking at a Chinese port.
Zhao Lijian, a Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, said at the routine press conference that the South China Sea situation has maintained stability via joint efforts of China and ASEAN members. But recently certain non-regional countries frequently deploy military aircraft and warships to the region to show off their power, stir up trouble and deliberately created conflicts on maritime issues in the name of “freedom of navigation,” Zhao said. \ China is unwavering in its determination to safeguard the country’s territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and will continue to negotiate and properly handle differences with concerned countries, Zhao Lijian said at the routine press conference.
Zhao pointed out that China attaches great importance to the development of comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Germany, including cooperation between the two militaries. China is willing to carry out friendly exchanges on the basis of mutual respect and mutual trust, Zhao said, noting it is hoped that relevant parties will create a good atmosphere for this.
Germany in August sent a warship to the South China Sea for the first time in almost two decades, joining other Western nations in expanding its military presence in the region, media reported.
– The Daily Mail-Global Times News exchange item