HK’s electoral reform promotes democracy

By Tian Feilong

Thanks to the principle of “one country, two systems”, Hong Kong has been adhering to the rule of law and holding democratic elections since its return to the motherland in 1997. But adherence to the rule of law demands that, apart from following the Basic Law of Hong Kong, the special administrative region also follows the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, because the SAR is an integral part of China.
The Basic Law stipulates the system and policies to be instituted in the Hong Kong SAR, and is the legal and institutional basis of “one country, two systems”, which is characterized by “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong” and enjoying “a high degree of autonomy”. But the Basic Law, on which “one country, two systems” is based, has been formulated in accordance with the Constitution of China. This means there cannot be no “two systems” without “one country”.
But by pitting “two systems” against “one country”, and democracy against patriotism, some radical elements had been taking advantage of the elections and social movements to push forward their “color revolution” agenda in Hong Kong. It is the attempt to separate “two systems” from “one country” that was the root cause of the political and social unrest from time to time, including in 2019 when the radicals unleashed mayhem in Hong Kong in order to fulfill their hideous design of splitting the SAR from the motherland.
To prevent such incidents and clip the wings of the separatist forces in Hong Kong, the National People’s Congress, the country’s top legislature, enacted the National Security Law in Hong Kong in 2020, and the SAR government implemented electoral reforms in 2021. The two measures will also resolve the difference between patriotism and democracy and help establish a new order of “patriotic democracy” in the SAR.
New rules plug electoral loopholes
The fact that Hong Kong will hold the first election on Sept 19-the sub-sector ordinary election to the Election Committee since the implementation of the electoral reforms shows that democracy is very much alive in the SAR.
Good governance largely depends on an executive team which is professional, honest and loyal to the country. That’s where “patriots administrating Hong Kong”, which is an improvement on “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong” comes from. The electoral system, after the reform, has become more democratic and representational in nature.
To begin with, based on the principle of “patriots administering Hong Kong”, the new electoral system has a strict vetting procedure for candidates, which will ensure the radicals and separatists cannot contest the elections and cause more trouble, and only patriots assume positions of political importance.
Second, the electoral reform has overhauled the composition and functions of the Election Committee and made it more balanced, inclusive and democratic. With 1,500 seats (from 1,200 originally), five sectors (four originally) and 40 sub-sectors, the revamped committee will now be responsible for the election of the Hong Kong chief executive, nomination of all Legislative Council members, and direct election of 40 legislators (out of a total of 90).
Thanks to the reform, the proportion of grassroots and youth groups, and local representatives of State institutions (in the fifth sector) has also increased, making the Election Committee truly representational under the “one country, two systems” framework.
Third, unlike the previous reforms which some political forces used to pit “democracy” against “patriotism”, the electoral reform this time will allow capable people to better serve the city, and prevent election candidates from adopting extreme positions in return for political capital while boosting competition based on talent and ability.
Fourth, with the help of the National Security Law and the electoral reform, the SAR government can strengthen law enforcement and bring to justice the separatists seeking foreign help to fulfill their narrow political goals, while Hong Kong residents can better exercised their voting rights and enjoy “a high degree of autonomy” and which will strengthen “one country, two systems”.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily News Exchange Item