RTC held on Pak-Belarus post-COVID world

Islamabad: A Round Table discussion was organized by the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research on, “Belarus & Pakistan: Prospects of Mutual Cooperation in Post-Covid World: A view From Minsk & Islamabad” in Belarus.
From Pakistan, Mr. Khalid TaimurAkram, Executive Director, CGSS was invited as the chief guest of the event to share Pakistan’s perspective on enhancing Pakistan-Belarus bilateral ties and various developments in the region. During the discussion, Mr. Khalid TaimurAkram stated that both countries have significant potential for cooperation in various fields, including military and economic. Moreover, the economic partnership can also be increased, as of now, the trade turnover between Pakistan and Belarus increased by $ 15 million, and exports from Pakistan increased by $ 15.1 million. He also emphasized that Belarusian-Pakistani cooperation in the post-pandemic period has developed and increased as the world began to move from globalization to regionalization, and Pakistan also focused on its regional neighbors for trade and cooperation. Mr. Khalid TaimurAkram also shared Pakistan’s perspective on CPEC and BRI, Regional connectivity, and the current scenario in Afghanistan. The analysts from the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research were of the view that Pakistan is a rather promising country, it is an industrial and industrial state with a developed multi-structured economy. He highlighted that If you look at the structure of Pakistan’s foreign trade, their imports are quite complementary to the export position of Belarus. Hence, we can complement each other in the industrial sector, and specifically in the agriculture sector.
The roundtable discussion was attended by the senior leadership and Analysts from the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research. It is worth mentioning that this was the first of its kind round table organized in Belarus for discussion about Pakistan’s ties with Belarus and its perspective on various regional developments with an expert from Pakistan.
The Round Table discussion was followed by an MoU signing ceremony between CGSS and the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research.
Mr. Oleg Makarov, Director, Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research, and Mr. Khalid TaimurAkram, Executive Director, CGSS signed the MoU on behalf of their respective institutions. – PR