‘Punjab to encourage women chambers for launching innovative projects’

From Menahill Rashid

FAISALABAD: The Government is fully convinced to evolve untapped potential of female entrepreneurs and in this connection Punjab Government will encourage women chambers to launch innovative projects for the women empowerment, said Mian Aslam Iqbal, Provincial Minister for Industries, Commerce and Investment.
Inaugurating first-ever women business incubation centre in Faisalabad Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FWCCI) he announced to give land for the construction of FWCCI complex at subsidized rate in M-3 Industrial Estate. He said that women are integral part of our society which have been crippled by the old mind set but the present Government under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chief Minister Punjab Usman Buzdar, are taking pro-active steps to bring them into the mainstream so that they could also contribute their role in the growth of national economy. He specifically mentioned Kamyab Jawan program under which women could also get subsidized loans to start their own businesses instead of running from pillar to post to get petty jobs. He said that FWCCI must encourage the young talented girls to avail these opportunities and hoped that Incubation centre established by FWCCI will play a pivotal role in the mainstreaming of female entrepreneurs.
He assured that he will direct the concerned sectors to give due priority to the new female start ups so that the ultimate objective of women involvement in national uplift programs could be materialized. He said that nine Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are being established while similar number of technology zones are in process. He said that pandemic has opened up a new approach which is most suitable for our female population.