FCCI to renew mandate for addressing businesses’ issues

By Menahill Rashid

FAISALABAD: Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI) will reinvigorate its mandated responsibilities to resolve the problems confronted by business community in addition to contributing its CSR role to transform Faisalabad into a globally acknowledged and scientifically developed urban metropolis of the south Asia, said Atif Munir Sheikh newly elected president of FCCI. In his maiden speech during the Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) of the FCCI, he paid best tribute to his predecessor and mentors who reposed full confidence and nominated him to lead this prestigious organization, particularly during a most critical economic situation. He said that the reputation enjoyed by FCCI was the legacy of its previous 24 Presidents who contributed their proactive role in organizing, promoting and making it the most vibrant trade body of Faisalabad.
A.M. Sheikh further said that he will prove through his performance that his group has capability and confidence of the business community to serve them and his group will maintain its supremacy in the next year election with a thumping majority. He said that Engineer Hafiz Ihtesham Javed has initiated a vigorous lobbying campaign with government and policy makers to give due weight age to their proposals.
He further affirmed that, he will follow the suit with new dimensions and dynamism to achieve his already well defined objects. He said informing that the textile sector has played a key role in national exports but despite our best efforts we are playing with the ratio of 80:20. He said that the share of imports in our exports is 80% which is very alarming and we must concentrate on import substitute industry.