UAF’s Umar participates in UN World Data Forum

BERN: University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF) Treasurer Umar Saeed Qadri has attended UN World Data Forum as Pakistan nominee held in Switzerland in which representatives of all UN countries participated. The meeting pledged for collective efforts to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030, including poverty alleviation, eradication of hunger, rural development, climate change and gender discrimination.
Umar Saeed Qadri also met Pakistan’s Ambassador to Switzerland Aamir Shouket. During the meeting it was discussed that steps are being taken to further cement the educational and scientific relations between the two countries and to take it to new heights to reap benefit from each other’s experiences in the field of science.
Umar Saeed Qadri said that he had separate meetings with Dr. Ellen Krause , Director External Linkages at the University of Bern and Dr. Jane Lee Director of External Linkages at the University of Minnesota and agreed for joint collaboration on the areas of mutual concern by establishing joint ventures with the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Data sharing was also agreed with the University of Minnesota. Umar Saeed also attended a conference in UN at Geneva and visited CERN European research laboratory.
Social workers including Mr. Amir Fazal has pointed out that, there is dire need of practically enhancing the knowledge, experience and aptitude to accelerate the modern techniques for the growth of agriculture, because Pakistan can get rid of numerous challenges if agricultural experts start their work with required potential in all the Agriculture Universities of Pakistan.–Agencies