Shibli for promotion of research culture

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Science and Technology, Senator Syed Shibli Faraz Monday asked the scientists and engineers to promote a culture of research which could practically be implemented to resolve the issued being faced by the country.
He was speaking at the inaugural session of the 17th International Symposium on Advanced Materials (ISAM-2021) organized by Pakistan Advance Materials Forum (PAMF) began here. Shibli Faraz said that the future of Pakistan was depending upon advancement in the field of Science and Technology which is inevitable for the socioeconomic development of the country.
The minister also highlighted that the scope of materials technology was unlimited which has led to a significant increase in the range and depth of research and development in the industrially advanced world.
He added that “Pakistan was a developing country, and was rich in material resources. We also have some of the best manpower but unfortunately our resources remain untapped and our expertise finds few avenues to flourish because we utterly lack the infrastructure and the sophisticated technology of minerals processing, alloy development, melting and zone refining, fabrication and forming techniques etc”.
Addressing at the ceremony, the Chairman of the Symposium, Engineer Tahir Ikram emphasized the role of advanced materials saying that “In this modern era, the growth and development of any country is gauged on the basis of advancement of materials. From the pre-historic times and now in the world of advanced and new materials, mankind has always measured its progress through the use of metals and materials and it will continue to do so in future”.
He added that “Metamaterials, supersonic jets and space shuttles are just few examples of technologies based on the science of materials. After landing on the moon, humans are now planning to land on Mars. While living on Earth, now we are searching other habitable planets in our galaxy.