Alexei Navalny wins EU’s top HR Award

BRUSSLES: Imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was awarded the European Union’s top human rights prize on Wednesday in a clear slap at President Vladimir Putin.
In awarding the Sakharov Prize to Navalny, the European Parliament praised his “immense personal bravery.”
The 45-year-old activist was poisoned with a nerve agent last year and promptly arrested upon his return to Moscow from treatment in Germany and later imprisoned.
“He has campaigned consistently against the corruption of Vladimir Putin’s regime, and through his social media accounts and political campaigns, Navalny has helped expose abuses and mobilise the support of millions of people across Russia. For this, he was poisoned and thrown in jail,” European Parliament President David Sassoli said in a statement.
The recognition of Navalny will further sour relations between the 27-nation bloc and Russia.–Agencies