Omicron Reported

Unfortunately, it appears that the Omicron variant has made its way to Pakistan as the first case was recently detected in Islamabad. We could be at the precipice of a breakout given that only a quarter of the population is fully vaccinated even though over 142 million vaccine doses have been administered. It is imperative now more than ever that the government emphasises the importance of taking precaution because otherwise, we will revert back to a life dominated by lock-downs and extreme restrictions. According to the authorities, the individual who tested positive for Omicron in Islamabad recently traveled from Karachi which has reported a total of seven confirmed cases of the new and more contagious variant. The world around us is succumbing to the fifth suspected wave as over 600 flights were canceled worldwide due to a rapid spike in Omicron cases during the Christmas season. We have examples of how devastating the virus is proving to be in other countries and an opportunity to learn from each instance.
The government must ensure that proper screening takes place for all domestic and international flights so that transmission is prevented. This is the standard protocol that must be followed, along with endorsing strict observance of precautionary measures like wearing a mask, using sanitiser and practicing social distancing.
If we act swiftly and remain vigilant, we can prevent this variant from causing a lot of damage across the country. Those who have tested positive with Omicron should be completely isolated to prevent transmission. Meanwhile, awareness campaigns must inform the public of the potential risks that lie ahead of a fifth wave to manifest in Pakistan as well as the utility of getting vaccinated. We have done an exceptional job at encouraging inoculation in a country that is very vaccine hesitant. Now, our job is to take this a step further and ensure that herd immunity is created so that we can ride this wave with little to no casualties.