Kashmiris plan rallies on Right to Self-Determination Day

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: People living across the Line of Control dividing Kashmir and the rest of the world will observe the Right to Self-determination Day on January 5 to remind the United Nations to implement its own resolutions on the dispute passed this day in 1949.

The day is observed every year to invite the attention of the international community and the United Nations towards the early grant of the right to the mountainous region through the implementation of the historic resolutions.

Official sources told that all necessary arrangements were being given final touches in Azad Jammu and Kashmir to observe the day to be followed by the public rallies, besides special gatherings and processions, in all 10 district headquarters of the liberated territory as the hallmark of the day.

The special meetings would highlight the importance of early grant of the right to self-determination to the people of Kashmir — which was being suppressed and denied by India over the last six decades.

Speakers in these meetings will reiterate Kashmiris’ just and principled stance before the world that they (Kashmiris) would continue their struggle for the right to self-determination till the achievement of the ultimate goal.

They would particularly highlight the reality with the earnest demand about the early grant of the birthright of self-determination without further delay.

“It would be once again declared by the Kashmiris before the world, through the special meetings at both sides of the Line of Control and rest of the world that the Kashmir problem should be resolved only in accordance with the United Nations resolutions and no solution of the lingering global dispute sans the aspirations of the Kashmiris would be acceptable to them,” said former Mirpur Development Authority chairman Muhammad Siddique — one of the organisers of the special meetings scheduled for January 5 in Mirpur.

Siddique said participants of the scheduled rally would reiterate Kashmiris longstanding demand for the early settlement of the Kashmir dispute according to their wishes.

A right to self-determination day rally will be held at district court premises in Mirpur on January 5. The procession will be taken out which will later converge into the special ceremony at the Kashmir Press Club hall under the auspices of Jammu Kashmir Free Media Association convener where speakers will highlight the importance of the day.