Modi’s enemy of peace in world: Ch. Sarwar

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar said that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was the enemy of peace and murderer of humanity as he preached and practised the Hindutva which had become a threat to the Muslim and Christian minorities today.

Talking to PTI delegation from Azad Kashmir at the Governor’s House here, he said Narendra Modi, who was carrying out the mission of RSS, had become the biggest extremist and terrorist. Human rights organizations and the United Nations (UN) must end its silence on the incidents of genocide and atrocities against Indian Muslims.

“Genocide of innocent Kashmiris and their extra-judicial killings have been exacerbated in occupied Kashmir since Narendra Modi has come to the power. More than 6 lac Indian troops and their other security forces could not demoralize Kashmiris in spite of all the atrocities”, Governor Punjab said, adding that the nation saluted the courage with which Kashmiris were fighting for their independence.

He said Pakistan stood united with the Indian Muslims and Kashmir under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan, adding that Kashmir was the jugular vein of Pakistan. He further said that the 220 million Pakistanis stood like a rock with their Kashmiri brothers and sisters for their independence and time would certainly come when Kashmiris would be free from Indian atrocities.

He said India was trying unsuccessfully to silence the voice of Kashmiris by the use of force and bullets. Today, the voice of Kashmiris was reaching out to the international bodies, including the United Nations, and human rights organizations, which had a responsibility to end their silence and take notice of these atrocities, and to put diplomatic pressure on India to stop the chain of atrocities immediately, he added.

Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar, while expressing concern over the rising incidents of violence against Muslims living in India, said that Narendra Modi and the extremist terrorists of RSS were depriving the Muslims and other minorities living in India, of their religious freedom which was highly condemnable. The international community should take notice of these atrocities immediately and take action to stop them, he reiterated.