Iranian Envoy meets Mazari

By Hina Kiyani

ISLAMABAD: Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Seyed Mohamad Ali Hosseini called on the Federal Minister for Human Rights Dr. Shireen Mazari here on Wednesday.
During the meeting, the minister said the two countries had strong cultural, historical and religious ties. She said we valued our relationship with Iran and there was need to revitalize cooperation to raise globally collective concerns for the human rights.
While discussing the confronted challenges to the region, the ambassador said Iran was facing one sided sanctions even after fulfilling all international commitments to its nuclear program.
He said Afghanistan was undergoing a disaster in which, both Iran and Pakistan were hosting millions of Afghan refugees for the last 40 years.
Hosseini said Iran was extending its assistance to Afghan people who were facing the worst humanitarian crisis.
He said currently, Iran was not getting any international assistance to tackle with the issues of refugees, human trafficking and drug trafficking even in the face of serious economic difficulties due to sanctions.
Shireen Mazari stated that Pakistan government under the leadership of Prime Minister Imran Khan had raised a voice against hypocrisy and double standards of western countries that were committing human rights violations under the Islamophobic trends.
She termed it a great move that Iran was back in OIC and resuming its offices.
OIC must be the strongest platform in international political arena where its role needed to be more vigorous and wider for taking up the issues and disputes in Muslim world, she added.