Social stability enhanced in Xinjiang

Xinjiang has moved past chaos and is making progress on governance on the basis of stability, and there have been no cases of violent terrorist attacks for five consecutive years. People of all ethnic groups have a growing sense of safety and confidence in social stability, local government work report pointed out during the fifth session of the 13th People’s Congress of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region which kicked off on Sunday.

The local “two sessions,” or the fifth session of the 13th People’s Congress of the Autonomous Region, kicked off on Sunday and the fifth session of the 12th CPPCC of the Autonomous region was held from January 22 to 25 in Urumqi. Deputies from all over Xinjiang gathered to discuss measures to consolidate social stability and lasting peace in Xinjiang.

The government work report issued on Sunday pointed out that Xinjiang has made all-round efforts to normalize the law-based fight against terrorism and maintain stability.

The Xinjiang society has evolved from “restoring order” to “better governance.” For five years in a row, there have been no cases of violent terror attacks, and criminal and public security incidents have continued to decline. All these have fulfilled people’s yearlong desire for peace and stability in Xinjiang. People of all ethnic groups have a growing sense of security and confidence in social stability and enduring peace, the report said.

In the next few days, deputies and members will focus on the agenda of the conference to make suggestions and seek development, fulfill the responsibilities entrusted by the people, successfully complete the tasks entrusted by the conference, and contribute wisdom and strength to promoting high-quality economic and social development in Xinjiang. -The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item