Investigation report aimed at correcting mistakes behind Henan flood

ZHENGZHOU: After a half-year investigation, a team entrust by China’s central authorities released a full report on the enquiry into the deadly downpours and flooding in Henan Province that left nearly 400 people dead of missing.

The thorough investigation and 46-page report, overseen by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council, dug deep into both the natural and human factors behind the disaster and casualties, and also made specific and forceful requirements for correcting the local government’s malpractice and officials’ dereliction of duty that had worsened the losses.

The unprecedented report, full of details, won unanimous applause from netizens for the depth and transparency of the investigation, with some saying they were moved into tears for the candid and responsible attitude and respect for human lives shown in the report toward reflecting on the tragedy.

The investigation team is comprised of professional personnel from multiple State Council agencies including the Ministry of Emergency Management, Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Health, among others. The team also published a long list of questions and answers to elaborate on the investigation report.

It’s the first time that the country has organized such large-scale and comprehensive investigation over a natural disaster in order to clear up loopholes in emergency management. It showcased China has put people’s interests first – nothing is more precious than people’s lives – and is also a warning to local governments to pay more attention in potential risks and enhance emergency managements to avoid similar disasters, analysts said.

The investigation laid the basis for pursuing accountability of officials. Along with the report on Friday was news on Zhengzhou Party chief Xu Liyi’s demotion and punishment on 97 people who failed their responsibilities in the flooding.

From July 17 to 23, 2021, Central China’s Henan Province was hit by rare heavy rains and severe floods. Its capital city Zhengzhou suffered heavy casualties and property damage. A total of 14.78 million people in 150 counties and districts in the province were affected, and 398 people were dead or missing, with 380 in Zhengzhou alone.

President Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, on multiple occasions has instructed authorities at all levels to give top priority to people’s safety and property. The officials were also ordered to carefully and strictly implement the flood prevention and disaster relief measures.

Approved by the CPC Central Committee, the State Council in August established an investigation team to assess the local response to the devastating flood. -The Daily Mail-Global Times News Exchange Item