FM mulls Afghan crisis with Tajik counterpart

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi held a telephonic conversation with Foreign Minister of Tajikistan Sirojiddin Muhriddin on Monday and discussed the bilateral ties.
The two sides expressed satisfaction at the steadily growing bilateral ties and exchanged views on further expanding the partnership. The Foreign Minister noted increased frequency of high-level visits between the two countries and acknowledged holding of political dialogues, reactivation of economic mechanism, and growing parliamentary ties.
Foreign Minister Qureshi also underlined Pakistan’s “Vision Central Asia” policy that focuses on enhanced and result-oriented engagement with Central Asian countries. He stressed the importance of enhancing trade and economic ties. The Foreign Minister reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to the implementation of flagship CASA-1000 power project.
The two sides were pleased to note the excellent multilateral cooperation at global and regional fora, including in the UN, OIC, SCO and ECO.
The Foreign Ministers also discussed the economic and humanitarian requirements in Afghanistan and agreed to continue working together in support of sustainable peace and stability in Afghanistan.