‘Thar Coal discovery to resolve country’s Energy crises’

From Zeeshan Mirza

KARACHI: Following the extraction of the first layer of lignite coal in Thar Block 1, Sino Sindh Resources (Pvt) Limited (SSRL) has said that the development will go a long way in solving Pakistan’s energy crisis.
On January 31, the first deposit of lignite coal was extracted at the coal pit of Block 1 in the Thar coalfields near Islamkot.
Block 1 is Pakistan’s largest coal mine with reserves of over 3 billion tons (or over 5 billion barrels of crude oil equivalent) with an annual output of 7.8 million tons per annum in just the first phase alone. Block 1 is owned and operated by SSRL, whose majority shareholder is Shanghai Electric Group.
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of SSRL, Mr. Li Jigen, terming the discovery as a huge step forward added that first deposits of coal will go a long way towards solving the energy crisis, employment generation and allied developments resulting in commercial and other economic activities in the Thar region.
“The development of indigenous resource base at Thar will go a long way towards Pakistan achieving its long-cherished goal of energy security and economic security and sovereignty.”
Thar coal can be used in power generation at mine-mouth plus used to substitute imported coal and also be used to produce all manner of chemicals which Pakistan is currently importing.
“The vision of successive Pakistan governments and the unflinching support of our Chinese leadership and brothers has now made the dream of Thar into a reality,” Mr Ligen said.
Thar Block 1 is classified as an “Early Harvest Project – EHP” under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) which is a flagship project of China’s historic Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to bring unparalleled levels of infrastructure and development to countries falling under the BRI.