PM concludes Beijing visit after meeting President Xi

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan met Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday, the final day of his four-day visit to the neighbouring country.

In a tweet, PM Imran said he had a “great meeting” with the Chinese president. “We agreed to further enhance our

strategic and economic relations and to fast track the second phase of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC),” he said.
According to a handout issued by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), PM Imran met the Chinese president at the Great Hall of People in Beijing.
“This was the first meeting of the two leaders since the prime minister’s visit to China in October 2019,” the statement said, adding that the two leaders reviewed the entire gamut of Pakistan-China bilateral cooperation and exchanged views on regional and global issues of mutual interest “in a warm and cordial atmosphere”.
The premier congratulated the Chinese leadership for successfully hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing and extended his best wishes on the Chinese Lunar New Year.
“The prime minister underscored that China was Pakistan’s steadfast partner, staunch supporter and iron brother. The all-weather strategic cooperative partnership between Pakistan and China had withstood the tests of time and the two nations firmly stood side by side in realising their visions and shared aspirations of peace, stability, development and prosperity,” the statement said.
PM Imran also briefed the Chinese president on his geo-economics vision and the government’s policies for sustained growth, industrial development, agricultural modernisation and regional connectivity.
“He lauded China’s continued support and assistance to Pakistan’s socio-economic development which had greatly benefitted from the high quality development of CPEC. The prime minister welcomed increased Chinese investments in CPEC’s phase-II which centered on industrialisation and improving people’s livelihoods.”
The premier also shared his views on “growing polarisation in the world” which threatened to unravel global developmental gains and posed serious risks to developing countries.
PM Imran highlighted that challenges such as climate change, pandemics and growing inequalities could only by tackled through the cooperation of all nations in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN charter.
“In this regard, he lauded President Xi’s visionary Belt and Road and Global Development Initiatives which called for collective action for sustainable development and win-win outcomes,” the statement said.
PM Imran also highlighted that Indian atrocities in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and the persecution of minorities in India were a threat to regional peace and stability. “He added that rapid militarisation of India was undermining regional stability,” the statement quoted him as saying.
The prime minister said that the partnership between Pakistan and China was an anchor for peace and stability in the region and thanked China for its unwavering support to Pakistan’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and national development.
“The prime minister also reaffirmed Pakistan’s full support to China on all issues of its core interest.”
Regarding Afghanistan, both leaders acknowledged that a peaceful and stable Afghanistan would promote economic development and connectivity in the region and called on the international community to promptly assist the Afghan people in averting a humanitarian catastrophe.
“Both leaders appreciated the signing of a number of agreements covering industrial cooperation, space cooperation and vaccine cooperation. The two leaders reaffirmed their resolve to building the Pakistan-China community for [a] shared future in the new era,” the statement said.
PM Imran also reiterated his invitation to President Xi to undertake a visit to Pakistan at his earliest convenience.
During the meeting, Xi stressed that “the Chinese side firmly supports Pakistan in safeguarding its national independence, sovereignty and dignity, as well as in combating terrorism”, according to state media.
He added that China is willing to work with Pakistan in “aligning development strategies”.