Big brands weigh in support of Kashmiris

NEW DELHI: Pro-Kashmir social media posts by KFC, Hyundai, and other global brands have sparked uproar in India, with diplomats saying Tuesday that the controversy had prompted an apology from a foreign government.
This year, several Pakistan-based social media properties connected to some of the world’s biggest corporate names used the occasion to proclaim their messages of support for Kashmir on February 5, which is celebrated as Kashmir Day. Several American fast-food chains and South Korea’s Hyundai also joined.
“Let us remember the sacrifices of our Kashmiri brothers and stand in support as they continue to struggle for freedom,” a Twitter account associated with the automaker’s Pakistan operations posted on Sunday.
India said Tuesday that its ambassador to South Korea had immediately sought an explanation from Hyundai at its Seoul headquarters.
Foreign minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar also spoke with his South Korean counterpart Chung Eui-yong to convey “strong displeasure” over the phone, according to an Indian readout of the discussion.
Chung “conveyed that they regretted the offence caused to the people and Government of India by the social media post,” ministry spokesman Arindam Bagchi said in a statement.
Hyundai issued a statement to distance itself from the Twitter account, which it said was operated by a company partner.
“We deeply regret any offense caused to the people of India by this unofficial social media activity,” it said on Tuesday.
Pakistan-based social media properties connected to Pizza Hut, KFC and Domino’s Pizza were among those also posting messages to mark the Kashmir holiday, prompting boycott calls among incensed Indian social media users.
The posts were later deleted and several brands later issued apologies elsewhere.
KFC’s India arm expressed remorse for a post that appeared “on social media channels outside the country” in a tweet on Monday.
“We honour and respect India, and remain steadfast in our commitment to serving all Indians with pride,” it added.–Agencies