AGP seeks meeting with Nawaz’s physician

By Uzma Zafar

ISLAMABAD: The Attorney General of Pakistan (AGP) wrote a letter on Wednesday to Dr David Lawrence, the doctor who is treating former prime minister Nawaz Sharif in London, seeking examination of his current medical record by the doctors appointed by the Pakistani government.
In his letter, written in light of the high court judgment, the AGP office said the recent report submitted by the ex-PM to the Lahore High Court (LHC) must have been written by Dr Fayaz Shawl during or after his trip to London.
“All clinical tests, laboratory reports, interventional procedures, if any, physical examinations must have been conducted in the United Kingdom” since Dr Lawrence is his primary doctor, the letter added.
The AGP said that the doctors nominated by the government intended to meet him to confirm Nawaz’s health condition.
“As observed by the SMB [special medical board], doctor(s) would need to examine all the relevant medical record including current evaluation, blood reports, imaging results, and any interventional procedures done so far, as, without examination of medical reports, the doctor(s) cannot form any medical opinion nor verify/confirm about the health status of Mian Nawaz Sharif and his ability to travel back to Pakistan.”
The letter asked Dr Lawrence to confirm to the AGP office or the Pakistan High Commission in London about his response to the letter.
“You are therefore requested to initiate and confirm to the High Commission of Pakistan at London or the office of the Attorney General of Pakistan, the date, time, and venue when the doctor(s) can meet you and examine the medical record” of the former premier.
“This meeting/examination of the medical record may be scheduled for a date of your convenience between 22 Feb and 13 March 2020. The intimation may be made four days before the desired date fixed by you,” it added.