National Industrial Exhibition to showcase quality Pakistani products: DG

FAISALABAD: The National Industrial Exhibition will play a major role in introducing quality Pakistani products at international level, said Mr. Tahir Raza Hamdani Director General (DG) Industries Punjab.

He was addressing an awareness session about this industrial exhibition in Faisalabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FCCI) here today.

He said that Faisalabad is one of the most important industrial centers of Punjab and he intends that its industrialists must showcase their products in this exhibition.

He further said that this exhibition would be held in Fortress Stadium Lahore from March 10 to 16 on the eve of Horse & Cattle Show 2022 and a separate and dedicated enclave could be allocated for the industrial products of Faisalabad.

He said that around 100 stalls of 18×8 feet would be established. However, if the number of intending participants increased, then the stall would be allotted on a “first come, first serve” basis.
Responding to a question, he said that this exhibition is for the industrialists and no stall would be allotted to the traders.
“I shall consider allotting stalls to those industrialists who are importing fitness equipment from other countries”, he said and added that broadband service would also be provided to facilitate the stall holders.
He further said that arrangements for this exhibition are being finalized and hopefully it will be completed very soon.
He said that this exhibition would provide lifetime benefits to the products marketed through this event.
Earlier, in his address of welcome, President FCCI Mr. Atif Munir Sheikh appreciated the revival of national exhibition and said that the most reasonable price has been fixed for the stalls for 7 days.
“I shall try my best to convince at least 25 to 30 leading industrialists to participate in it”, he said and added that in addition to fabric and lawn, the paint, chemical, engineering and foundry industry would also showcase their innovative products.
He appreciated the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar and said that their strategy of smart lockdown during corona proved a boon as it not only continued the industrial wheel in progress but also stopped the expected flood of unemployment in the country.
He said that FCCI would fully support the industrial exhibition as it is tantamount to the promotion of Pakistan.
About the infrastructure development, he said that we have been repeatedly advised to follow the Sialkot Model.
He said that Divisional Commissioner Faisalabad Mr. Zahid Hussain was the real force behind Sialkot Model and now Faisalabad would also try to avail from his vision and strategy for the systematic, scientific, planned and integrated development of this mega metropolis by providing best possible civic amenities to its inhabitants.
He said that the previous government had provided funds under CCB (Citizen Community Board) scheme at the rate of 80:20 ratio. “The Sialkot has fully exploited this strategy but unluckily we could not avail from it”, he added.
He said that former District Nazim Rana Zahid Tauseef had disclosed that during his entire tenure only 6 percent funds of CCB were utilized. “Now we would try our optimum best to avail from the administrative skills and expertise of Divisional Commissioner Zahid Hussain to launch world-class infrastructure on the public-private partnership mode”, he said and added that among these projects include airport, hospital, hotel and theme park, etc.
Executive Member FCCI Mr. Azhar Chaudhary offered votes of thanks and said that President FCCI would soon nominate a focal person to coordinate with the organizers of the National Industrial Exhibition.
“However, he pointed out that at least staff of 6 to 7 persons will be deputed on each stall”, he said and demanded reasonable residence for them in the close vicinity of Fortress Stadium.
A question-answer session was also held while Mr. Atif Munir Sheikh presented FCCI shield to Mr. Tahir Raza Hamdani DG Industries Punjab.
Mr. Shabaz Ahmad District Officer (DO) Industries was also present in this meeting.