Cops introduce new mechanism

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: Islamabad Capital Territory Police introduced a new mechanism embracing latest technology to ensure effective monitoring at police stations.
Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad Muhammad Ahsan Younus took steps to bring transperncy in the department following digital Pakistan policy of Prime Minister Imran Khan.
The new measures were introduced to help promote effective policing, besides changing in behavior of staff deputed at police stations.
Police guides/constables were equipped with body-worn camera to record interaction between the cops and the community through live digital control at Safe City. To avoid delay in police services Qmatic Machines were installed at entrence of police stations ensuring ‘first come -first serve’. The citizens may get a Qmatic slip after selecting service and entering cell number. The feedback through call and sms of all citizens visiting police station would be received based on independent data available through Qmatic.
Similarly, audiovisual cameras in all front desks of all police stations were set up to ensure transparency- live monitoring and recording available at Safe City.
Cameras in SHO offices were installed for ensuring their presence from 3-5pm daily and record of visitors meetings. The capital police chief was committed to improve service delivery and change the ‘Thana Culture’. He was holding open court on day to day basis to address public complaints on priority. The IGP had introduced complaint management cell and a dedicated helpline 1715 for public where anyone can call and register their complaints about police officials.

Islamabad police chief termed the step towards modern policing in the federal capital adding that Islamabad police is taking many steps to provide maximum facilities to the general public at their doorstep.

He added that Islamabad police had already introduced 28 different services including walk through service at public facilitation center F-6 Islamabad.