Uzbekistan Embassy, CGSS hold scientific conference

ISLAMABAD: Scientific Conference on “Great Commander, Thinker and Poet Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur: Symbol of Friendship of Uzbekistan and Pakistan” was jointly organized by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of Islamic Republic of Pakistan & Embassy of Republic of Uzbekistan to Islamic Republic of Pakistan in collaboration with Center for Global & Strategic Studies (CGSS), Islamabad at Pakistan China Friendship Center, Islamabad.
His Excellency Furqat A. Sidiqov, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan and His Excellency Farrukh Habib, State Minister for Information & Broadcasting, Government of Pakistan graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
The Conference commended with the opening remarks of Ms. Shahera Shahid, Secretary, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of Pakistan. She stated that history bonds Pakistan and Uzbekistan together. For Pakistan, Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad Babur is a legendary figure who started a dynasty that ruled over India for 300 years.
It is a pleasure that we are entering to this discussion that will open up new avenues of cooperation and collaborations. We are also grateful to our counterparts from Uzbekistan for visiting Pakistan.
Chief Guest of the Conference, His Excellency Furqat A. Sidiqov, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan stated that Pakistan is my second home. He stated that we have very good relations with Pakistan and we share same goals. We have enhanced our cooperation to strategic partnership. It is said that we have shared history and today we will witness that we have a great future ahead together.
Chief Guest of the Conference, His Excellency Farrukh Habib, State Minister for Information & Broadcasting, Government of Pakistan stated that Zahir ud din Babur is a symbol of our shared values, poetry and friendship between Uzbekistan and Pakistan.
Zahir ud din Babur was the founder of the Mughal empire. His descendants, the Mughal emperors, built a long lasting empire that covered much of the Sub continent for almost 300 years. He has planted the seed of one of the world’s great empires.
He holds a special and most prominent position in Pakistan and Uzbekistan’s great legacy and history.

Prof. Bakhrom Abdukhalimov – Vise-President of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor presented speech on Creative activities of Babur and his dynasty. He stated that Uzbekistan is a land of scholars. Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad Babur is a symbol of friendship between Pakistan and Uzbekistan. Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad Babur has left a strong hint on science and literature and a number of researchers in Pakistan have written books on him. We hope that today’s Conference will open new areas for joint research activities and publication. We can use the experience of the experienced scholars from Pakistan and Uzbekistan. Furthermore, he stated that we are open for collaboration and joint activities.
Dr. Abdumajid Madraimov – Head of Department of the State Museum of the Temurids History, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor presented speech on Life and Activities of Bobur in the interpretation of the Emperor Akbar. He stated that it is a pleasure that a scientific conference on Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad Babur is being organized. He was born 840 years ago and we love him. I have articulated 600 articles on him. He stated that legacy of Babur is significant for Pakistan and Uzbekistan. He also highlighted Babur’s contribution and his legacy.
Prof. Dr. Mahboob Hussain, Chairman Department of History & Pakistan Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore presented speech on Shared History and Bilateral Relations of Pakistan-Uzbekistan. He stated that South Asia and Central Asia are two geographical regions which share a history of common relations dating back to earliest times. This common cultural heritage needs to be explored and academic exchange and collaboration is the need of the time. Pakistani political regime in deeply interested in formulating strong by bilateral relations between the two countries. The historically famous Farghana valley in Uzbekistan has always remained a commercial transit hub in the past.Pakistan is a country that is geopolitically located a very important place of the globe and in a position to play a vital role for this connectivity.
Prof. Najmiddin Nizomidinov – Professor of the UNESCO chair of the International Islamic Academy, Doctor of Philological Sciences presented speech on Trade relations of the Baburids with the outside world. He stated that Babur was very well aware of the trade and economic relations within the region and knew the importance of these relations. He also established relations with Russia. He successful developed and enhanced bilateral relations with the neighboring countries and beyond.
Dr Adam Saud, Dean, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Bahria University, Islamabad presented speech on Babur’s Contributions in Developing Linkages between Pakistan and Uzbekistan. He stated that there are 400 words in Pakistani and Uzbek language that are common and have similar meaning. Students in Uzbekistan does not only speak Urdu but also know our national anthem very well. Pakistan have supported Uzbekistan at various international forums including OIC, the similar has been reciprocated by Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan supported the entry of Pakistan in Shanghai Cooperation.
Dr. Khurshid Fayziev – Director of the State Museum of the Temurids History, Candidate of Historical Sciences presented speech on Comments on Baburids genealogy. He explained the Shajra of Babur. He stated that his Shajrah is very well written and narrated in historical books. History of Babur is very well studies in the contemporary world. He stated that according to the historical books, Babur had nine sons and nine daughters and he was the grandson of Amir Timur.
Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Iftikhar, Director Babur Legacy Centre, Department of History & Pakistan Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore presented speech on Common Islamic Heritage of Uzbekistan-Pakistan. She stated that Uzbeks are regarded as the most devout and traditional Muslims in Central Asia. The most righteous ones are found in Fergana valley. Pakistan and Uzbekistan, both as Muslim countries have very much in common. They share common culture of festivals like Eid, Muharram and most common is the celebrations of Nuroz festivals. She also stated that cultural harmony, common values and shared history can help cultivate bilateral ties based on mutual trust, understanding and interest. Pakistan and Uzbekistan aim to strengthen economic, political, and cultural roles to achieve sustainable development and regional stability.
Mr. Zokirjon Mashrabov – Head of the “Bobur” International Public Foundation presented speech on Activities of international foundation of Babur foundation in Uzbekistan. He stated that we made an expedition and collected unique manuscripts from various countries and studied them. During this activity, we also found graves of various historical scholars from Central Asia.
Prof. Dr. Saleem Mazhar, Pro Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab, Lahore presented speech on Legacy of Zaheer-Ud-Din Mohammad Babur and Its Relevance in Contemporary Relations between Pakistan and Uzbekistan. He stated that this is the era of connectivity and understanding. This is very unfortunate that there is no flight that operate directly from Pakistan to any of the Central Asian country. We welcome the students from Uzbekistan to Pakistan
Documentaries featuring Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad Babur were also screened during the event. A documentary was specially prepared by the delegation from Uzbekistan that is directed by Mr. Bobur Yuldoshev – The Director of the documentary in the genre of drama about the life of Bobur.
The conference was attended by approximately 150 participants from Uzbekistan and Pakistan and was moderated by Dr. Fauzia Hadi Ali, Director, Regional Integration Center (RIC), University of the Punjab, Lahore. –PR