DC Faisalabad inspects cleaning operations


FAISALABAD: The Deputy Commissioner Ali Shehzad went to various areas to check the cleanliness situation and inspected the cleaning operation on the roads and streets in the morning. CEO Faisalabad Waste Management Company Bilal Feroz Joya and other officers of the relevant departments were also present. The Deputy Commissioner visited Partab Nagar, Gowshala Chowk, Nazim Abad A and B block and other areas and checked the presence of waste workers and said that the cleaning process should be completed in the city before the commencement of normal life. He said that more durable steps should be taken to raise the standard of cleanliness so that the city looks clean and beautiful in all respects as per the expectations of the citizens. He directed to disposed off garbage in a save manner and said that the attendence of waste workers should be monitored regularly. He asked the residents of areas about the presence of Waste workers and performance of them and on some complaint he asked the CEO for early resolve. He distributed the awareness phamplets among residents and appealed to them to cooperate with cleanliness team.CEO FWMC briefed about cleanliness plan and implementation.