BJP seals girls Madrassa in IoK

DM Monitoring

SRINAGAR: The Narendra Modi-led Hindu nationalist government has sealed the Darul Uloom Khadijatul Kubra seminary in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) and manhandled the Muslim female students, according to local media reports.
The Indian occupation forces along with notorious National Intelligence Agency (NIA) raided the seminary situated in Gadol area of Kokranak in Islamabad district of the occupied region.
The occupation forces insulted the women students and threw them out of their dormitory rooms ahead of Friday prayer.
They also poured water in their food so that they could not eat it.
The people of the area staged massive protests against the occupation forces and demanded action against the officials involved in the “cruel act”. A United Nations human rights expert has accused the Indian government of tacitly allowing incitement to violence against Muslims in a report that documents the state-driven and tolerated hatred, discrimination and violence against minorities in India.
The UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Ahmad Shaheed, who presented the report to the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council on Thursday, also denounced the wide-ranging Indian atrocities in IIOJK.
Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN Offices in Geneva, Ambassador Khalil Hashmi, echoed the report’s references about human rights situation in IIOJK and called on the UN expert to continue monitoring and reporting on the situation, especially the Kashmiri people’s inalienable right to self-determination. .
In his report, Special Rapporteur Shaheed said that the Indian authorities had failed to address impunity for human rights violations in IIOJK – including extra-judicial killings, enforced disappearances and rape – and have enacted special laws to impede accountability and obstruct victims’ access to remedies