Islamabad to promote unity at OIC Session

| FM says meeting being held at crucial time | Asserts Muslim voice needed to be heard at intl arena | Moot to on Islamophobia, hate speech among other issues

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said on Tuesday that the upcoming 48th meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Islamabad would act as a bridge to promote unity among Muslim countries and contribute towards finding a way together on common issues facing the Islamic world.
“Pakistan wants to promote unity among Muslims on this occasion and address other issues, particularly Islamophobia and hate speech,” the foreign minister said while addressing a press conference at the Foreign Office ahead of the OIC meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers.
FM Qureshi stated that Pakistan believed the meeting was being held at a crucial time, adding that that the Muslim voice needed to be heard at the international arena.
He said that 48 confirmations had been received from the OIC member countries and 100 resolutions were expected to be tabled and agreed upon during the OIC-CFM meeting.
“The proposed theme of the 48th Session ‘Partnering for Unity, Justice and Development’ fully encapsulates these priorities. We will seek to build partnerships across the Islamic world, and build bridges of cooperation to address the myriad challenges confronting the Ummah,” he said.
He further stated that the meeting will discuss the humanitarian aspect of the situation in Afghanistan where millions were at risk of disease and hunger.
The foreign minister said that Pakistan desired to promote cooperation among Islamic countries in the fight against corruption.
He further informed that a Kashmiri delegation will also attend the OIC meeting to inform the Muslim Ummah about the ground realities in the Illegally Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
The minister stated that Pakistan intended to get a ministerial resolution passed on the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, adding that the resolution aimed to send a message to elements who were silent on the issue of Kashmir, despite knowing the ground reality.
Qureshi said the OIC had taken a very firm stand on the issue of Palestine and Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
A meeting of the Kashmir Contact Group will also be held on the sidelines of the OIC-CFM, where Pakistan would present observational reports on Kashmir, he maintained.
“This upcoming OIC-CFM meeting is a reflection of our shared aspirations to ensure peace and progress,” he said, adding that the meeting would also review the implementation of the decisions from the previous OIC meeting.
To a question regarding the visit of Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman to Islamabad for the OIC-CFM meeting, he said it was the session of OIC foreign ministers and was not concerned with the Crown prince.
Qureshi said that Pakistan would like to further strengthen its relationship with the Muslim Ummah.
“Pakistan will continue to work with other OIC Member States, towards harnessing our collective ambition into concrete action, and to take tangible steps to further strengthen bonds of Islamic solidarity and cooperation,” he said.
India’s accidental missile launch
FM Qureshi mentioned his telephonic conversation with United Nations Secretary-General on Monday about the Indian missile fired towards Pakistan, where he expressed concern on the situation.
He further stated that he had written a letter to the UN secretary-general and the president of the Security Council in this regard.
Qureshi urged India to provide information regarding the specification, route, and trajectory of the missile.
He questioned why India remained silent until Pakistan demanded an answer, adding that the aftermath of the missile could trigger a war between two nuclear-armed countries.
He termed India’s investigation on the matter “insufficient” and mentioned that China had also raised the issue and called for an investigation.
“We reject India’s response because of it being insufficient,” he said. FM Qureshi said Pakistan had no aggressive designs against any country, however, stressed that it would continue to highlight the issue of acts of terrorism against it.
He stated that the US was aware that there were no direct or indirect negotiations in progress between Pakistan and India.
He said the international community and the United States could play a role in this regard to ensure peace and stability in the region.
No-trust motion
On opposition’s move of no-confidence vote, he termed it a ‘storm in a teacup’ which he said would end up in failure.
He said that the government had no objection if the opposition stuck to a peaceful long march.