Crime ratio jumps 400% in Lahore

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LAHORE: In an alarming trend, the ratio of criminal activities especially street crime acts in Lahore have witnessed a more than 400 percent surge as compared to the police data of the previous year.
According to the crime statistics of the Lahore police, the street crime incidents in the provincial capital of Punjab province have gone up by 405 percent while house robberies have seen a 282 percent hike as compared to the crime rate during the last year. The record further highlighted a 123 percent surge in crimes reported at major highways in the city. In February this year, the provincial capital of Punjab, Lahore witnessed a sharp increase in the crime rate in the month of January 2021.
According to the police record, as many as 30 people were killed in Lahore in the month of January including four while resisting the robberies.
As many as 295 incidents of street crimes and robberies were reported in the first month of 2021. In the last 10 days of January dacoities worth Rs50mn.