’23rd March; Day of renewal & milestone in nation’s history’

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: President Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Azad Kashmir and Most Senior Minister Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan has said that March 23 is a day of renewal and a milestone in the history of Pakistan for national survival and stability of the country.
Tanveer Ilyas Khan talking to PTI central leader Major (Retd) Khurram Hameed Rokhri, Chairman, Prime Minister’s Task Force Atif Khan, at his residence on Wednesday said the spectacular parade of the Armed Forces has breathed new life into the Pakistani nation and proved that the country’s defense is invincible.
On the occasion, the public meeting of March 27 was also discussed in detail.
Sardar Tanveer Ilyas Khan said the survival and integrity of Pakistan is the first duty of the elders of the country and the nation, for which the guiding principles of faith, unity and discipline of Quaid-e-Azam should be kept in view at all times.
He said demonstrating air and naval power along with the tanks built, the troops not only infiltrated the hearts of the enemy but also conveyed the message to the nation that Pakistan’s armed forces are always ready to deal with all possible internal and external threats.
Sardar Tanveer said the Armed Forces Pparade on Pakistan Day is not only a parade but also a metaphor of determination and courage which teaches the nation unity, discipline and firm conviction. He said the parade on Pakistan Day has, in fact, become a national festival, strengthening the ties between the nation and the military, which are invaluable.
The enemy will certainly want to tear apart the intimate relations but the nation and the army will not spare any effort to make Pakistan’s future brighter by destroying all such efforts with mutual unity, he added.

Paying homage to the martyrs, he said India is committing the worst kind of rights violations in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and urged the international community to play its role in ending the Indian oppression in the territory.

He said there is no doubt that Kashmir is the jugular vein of Pakistan and any change in its status is a direct challenge to the integrity of Pakistan. The people of the base camp will never leave the Kashmiri brothers of occupied Kashmir alone, he maintained.