TRNC FM urges World to find just solution to Cyprus conflict

ISLAMABAD: World should shun its double standards and begin to act logically and in a just manner to resolve the issue of Cyprus. There is a need for the world to understand and realize the sensitivities of the ideals and aspirations of the
These were the remarks by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, speaking at the talk hosted by the Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies in collaboration with Representative Mission of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to Pakistan and Riphah Institute of Public Policy; Riphah International University on “Cyprus Issue, Implication for Peacebuilding in the Region.”
Speaking on the occasion Farhat Asif, President, Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies welcomed the Foreign Minister and appreciated the efforts of the diplomatic mission here in Pakistan to highlight the issue at various levels. Dr. Rashid Aftab, Director, Riphah Institute of Public Policy, Riphah International University has shared that the Cyprus issue needs world attention.
The Foreign Minister of TRNC said that OIC has member countries that have their interests, and there is a lack of drive within the organization to resolve the issue of Cyprus.
The Foreign Minister said that the Cyprus issue could only be resolved if two states were on the island. One represented Greek Cypriots and the other Turkish Cypriots. He said there is a need to carefully understand the issue since it is not about territory or further political gains. Still, it is about the wishes and aspirations of the people of Turkish Cyprus.
He said that there had been tremendous international efforts to resolve the issue; however, there have been unjust and imbalanced approaches from the European countries. This biased approach has made the conflict more complex and created a crisis.
OIC forum needs to go a long way in becoming a truly proactive, practical, and effective body at the international level. Foreign Minister, Tahsin Ertugruloglu, is not optimistic about the OIC form. He said he has been attending several OIC meetings since his standing as a diplomat and Foreign Minister of TRNC.
He has specially thanked Pakistan for supporting TRNC as hosting the TRNC’s representative office in Pakistan.
He said Pakistan has always supported the Cyprus conflict alongside motherland Turkey.

Later Foreign Minister respond to various questions from the audience and engage in the dialogue with the students. During the session Foreign Minister highlighted the importance of historic roots and contemporary realities of the conflict.

The event was attended by large number of journalists, media representatives, students, faculty members, diplomats, civil society leaders. –PR