UAF opens four-day 7th Lyallpur Art and Literature Festival

FAISALABAD: The University of Agriculture Faisalabad on Monday opened four-day 7th Lyallpur Art and Literature Festival as part of ongoing spring festival celebration in which students of 30 universities and colleges hailing from the four corners of the country take part as a step towards promoting literary culture. A large number of the people turned up in doves to have a delight of literary colors at UAF .

UAF Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan along with Senior Tutor Dr Shoukat Ali and a large number of faculty and students inaugurated the festival. The Literature Festival is arranged by the Office of the Senior Tutor Office

Dr Iqrar Ahmad Khan said that we have to spread fragrance of the literary activities in the society so that the nation can move forwards in a right direction. He was of the view that the fest will not only provide a platform to the students to exhibit and hone their abilities but also create an environment of competition. said that different literary activities are being arranged under one roof that attract the literature lovers to enjoy. He said that it has always been a pleasure movement that youngsters express themselves and share their ideas on a platform. He

Dr Shoukat Ali said that it was the need of the hour to flourish the literary culture for a bright future. He said that literary activities flourish the new avenue of progress and become a force to spread the message of peace and end the darkness of social discrimination.

The festival comprises more than 20 contests including Qirat, naat and essay contests, bilingual Declamation, Musahaira, Baat Bazi, Punjabi Takra, Quiz competition, Virsa Music Fest, Spot Product Photography, Art Contest, Architecture of UAF, folk competitions, poster drama and kinetic competition, drama, short film, documentary, business ideas, thematic photography, Tasveer Kahani, Search and Click competitions.

Principal Officer Estate Management Dr Qamar Bilal, Treasurer mar Saeed, Prof Dr Jafar Jaskani, Shahbaz Talib Sahi, Dr Samar Abbas Naqvi, Dr Athar Javaid, Dr Tahir Siddique, Dr Nadeem Abbas, Dr Asim Aqeel, Librarian Umar Farooq, Dr Haroon Zaman, Dr Anwarul Haq and other faculty member and a large number of the faculty and students attended. Clad in the traditional dresses, the students welcome the visitors.