Interference in Pak affairs reconfirmed by NSC: PTI

ISLAMABAD: Former Foreign Minister and PTI Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi Friday said that the PTI’s stance had been strengthened after Friday’s NSC meeting. Speaking to the media, he said that meeting had endorsed the viewpoint of the meeting held in March. The latest NSC release has reiterated the fact that our govt was ousted by foreign interference, he said, adding NSC has reconfirmed that there was political interference in Pakistan’s affairs as the latest NSC press release has endorsed the previous release.
Qureshi said that the real question now is to assign the investigation to an authority. We want the supreme court to form a judicial commission to investigate the matter, he demanded.
Meanwhile, Chief of staff to Imran Khan Shehbaz Gill has demanded that the investigations of the letter should be publicised. First, they said that it’s a conspiracy, now they claim it’s interference, he added.
He added that no one would believe the government that has come into power as the result of a foreign conspiracy. The people know who the ‘back-stabber’ is, he insinuated.
The National Security Committee (NSC) on Friday discussed the “threatening” telegram received from the Pakistan embassy in Washington and concluded that “there has been no foreign conspiracy” to oust Imran Khan’s government.
“The NSC was again informed by the premier security agencies that they have found no evidence of any conspiracy. Therefore, the NSC, after reviewing the contents of the communication, the assessments received and the conclusions presented by security agencies, concludes that there has been no foreign conspiracy,” reads the statement.
It is pertinent to note here that in the last NSC meeting, the committee expressed serious concerns over the threatening memo of the communication of the foreign official, terming it undiplomatic and amounted to ‘blatant interference in the internal affairs of Pakistan by the country in question, which was unacceptable under any circumstances.’ –Agencies