NDMA for improving management

ISLAMABAD: National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Chairman Lt. Gen. Akhtar Nawaz Thursday emphasised the need to further strengthening the disaster management and early warning system to ensure better preparedness and response.
Speaking in National Monsoon Preparedness Conference, 2022 in Islamabad on Thursday held under NDMA, he welcomed the participants and highlighted climate change and its impacts, vulnerability of Pakistan to various disasters with focus on floods, need for preparedness and coordination amongst all stakeholders in case of any disaster eventuality to avoid loss of life and property.
NDMA Chairman emphasized upon timely sharing of Early Warning/ Information to the grass root level, awareness and advocacy, community mobilization and timely response by relevant departments.
Chairman NDMA said that we must not lose sight of Climate Change phenomenon which was already affecting in the shape of extreme weather events like heat wave and Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF).
Participants from different departments shared preparations made thus far and affirmed resolve to take all measures for mitigation and response to any disaster event aimed at protecting lives and public/ private properties. –Agencies