Did ask ‘neutrals’ to prevent US plot: IK

-PTI Chief says Shaukat Tarin was sent to warn neutrals about economic sensitivity linked to success of orchestrated conspiracy
-Warns govt of dire consequences if election date not announced
-Believes free and fare elections not possible under current CEC
-Calls people to Islamabad for “revolution”

DM Monitoring

MARDAN: PTI Chairman and former Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday claimed that he and former finance minister Shaukat Tarin had warned the “neutrals” that the “fragile economic recovery would go into a tailspin” if the conspiracy against the PTI government succeeded.
Addressing a public rally here, Imran reiterated the United States had “conspired” against his regime, while the current government’s “Mir Sadiqs and Mir Jafars” were involved in it.
Khan said when he came to know about the “conspiracy”, he went to the “people who could stop it. “I told them that if this conspiracy succeeds, then our economy will falter given its current condition.”
The ex-prime minister said he asked former finance minister Shaukat Tarin to tell those who “call themselves neutral” that the economy will collapse, but unfortunately, they did not stop it.
“The dollar is approaching the Rs200 mark, the stock market is plunging, everything is becoming expensive the media should ask people how expensive things are, just like it questioned everything during our government,” Khan said.
The PTI chairman said his party came into power after the “corrupt” politicians had already ruled the country for 10 years. “We inherited a historic deficit as they had destroyed the economy.”
Khan said given the condition of the economy when he formed the government, he went to seek loans from friendly countries — China, the United Arab Emirates, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia — to save the country from becoming a defaulter. Khan said his relationship with the establishment was good till the last day of his government, but there were two issues on which they did not see eye to eye.
The former prime minister said “powerful quarters” wanted Usman Buzdar removed as the chief minister, but he would tell them that there was “more corruption and governance issues in Sindh”.
The second disagreement with the establishment was over the issue of Lieutenant General Faiz Hameed, as he wanted the army official to serve as the Inter-Services Intelligence chief till the “winters”, given the situation in Afghanistan and due to the then-opposition’s “plot”.
The ex-premier said he was still receiving messages from the establishment but he has “blocked their numbers” and would only speak to them once the date for the elections is announced.
Khan warned that if a date for the general elections is not announced, then the “sea of people” heading towards Islamabad would be disastrous for the government.
Regarding the fresh polls, Imran Khan said that fair and free elections are impossible in the presence of the present chief election commissioner (CEC). He said that the turncoats will never be pardoned by the nation for selling their consciences.
Khan warned that a “sea of people” set to march towards Islamabad would “sweep everyone away” if the government did not announce a date for elections.
He said an “absconder” sitting in London must realise that he would not be allowed to take decisions about Pakistan.
Imran emphasised that he was calling people to Islamabad for a “revolution” and not for politics.
Referring to Shehbaz Sharif, Asif Zardari and Maulana Fazlur Rehman as the “three stooges”, the PTI chief said they were slaves of America with their wealth stashed abroad.
He alleged that the coalition government would soon approach the US for help, adding that Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari was also set to hold a meeting in America in this regard.
“It is the same America that had tapped your phone call with your mother when she was sharing the details of your family assets abroad,” Imran said, referring to Bilawal.
He continued that the PPP chairperson would “beg for more money” from the US on the pretext that Imran would return [to power] if the money was not provided.
“I know Americans very well they say there is no free lunch. Everything has a cost and in the context of Pakistan, the cost is to provide them [military] bases,” the ex-PM said.
Imran said his government was set to procure wheat and oil from Russia at a 30 per cent discount, adding that “the current government cannot trade with Russia due to US pressure.”
He said Pakistan, under the new regime, would have to give statements against Russia because the US wanted it. The PTI chief claimed he was also told the same. “But I refused it as we are a sovereign country and not slaves of anyone.”