Aima Baig’s harsh reply to Amanat Ali

By Aqifa Ameen

Aima Baig is a popular Pakistani singer who has garnered huge fame at very early age. Recently, the singer has given a harsh reply to singer Amanat Ali. Aima didn’t take the name but wrote a long paragraph in which she used harsh words and bad-mouthed a colleague who is giving her career suggestions. She said that she doesn’t want to do duet with that person and he should focus on his music instead of giving advices, she also used a slang word for him, she says that refusing to sing with some colleague doesn’t make her arrogant rather she is super straight forward. She also said that how a person can talk about her attitude if he didn’t meet her in real.
It is to be remembered that Amanat Ali said that Aima Baig is an arrogant star, she needs to be humble if she wants to run long in this race of stardom. Here is the video in which Amanat Ali talked about Aima Baig.
Fans also said that she’s talking about Amanat Ali who talked about her.