China vows to defend interests of small States

BEIJING: China is not only a friend of Kiribati, but also the most reliable friend of all developing countries, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Friday during a meeting with Taneti Maamau, president and foreign minister of Kiribati.
“We will continue to speak up for developing countries in the international and multilateral arena, and continue to firmly defend the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, particularly small and medium-sized countries,” Wang said.
Kiribati is the second stop of Wang’s 10-day tour, following the Solomon Islands.
The meeting took place at Maamau’s presidential residence. Wang said the arrangement showed that Maamau views China as a true friend. “We have been friends since Kiribati decided to restore diplomatic relations with China,” Wang added.
China and Kiribati resumed diplomatic ties in September 2019 following Kiribati’s decision to sever diplomatic relations with the Taiwan region.
Maamau reiterated Kiribati’s adherence to the one-China principle. He thanked China for its support and help to Kiribati in epidemic control, economic development and infrastructure construction. Kiribati is committed to promoting bilateral relations to new heights so as to bring more benefits to its people, he said.
Wang hailed the rapid development in bilateral ties since the resumption of diplomatic relations, noting that practical cooperation in various fields has brought tangible benefits for the Kiribati people. China and Kiribati trust and support each other, and have set an example of equal treatment between big and small countries, he said.
Wang said the United States and its partners deliberately attempt to suppress China’s development because they do not want to see non-Western forces succeed and do not want to see developing countries enhancing solidarity and cooperation.
However, the development and revitalization of China and other developing countries is inevitable, he said. “It is also our legitimate rights and interests,” he added.
In this sense, supporting China’s efforts to safeguard its core interests is supporting developing countries themselves, and China is also helping itself by helping other developing countries, he said, The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation in fighting COVID-19, strengthen the alignment of the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative with the Kiribati 20-year Vision, and work together to tackle climate change Wang also met with Kiribati Vice President Teuea Toatu on Friday. –The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item