Four dead after earthquakes strike Sichuan

Ya’an: Four people were killed and 14 others were injured as of 7:40 pm on Wednesday after two earthquakes struck Ya’an, Sichuan province.
A magnitude-6.1 earthquake hit Lushan, a county under the administration of Ya’an, at 5 pm on Wednesday according to the China Earthquake Networks Center.
The epicenter, with a depth of 17 km, was monitored at 30.37 degrees north and 102.94 degrees east, the center said.
Three minutes later, a magnitude-4.5 earthquake with a depth of 18 km was observed Baoxing, another county under the administration of Ya’an, at 5:03 pm.
Its epicenter was monitored at 30.37 degrees north and 102.92 degrees east.
People in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan, and the province’s neighboring Chongqing municipality felt the tremor from Lushan.
Between 26 and 38 seconds before seismic waves arrived, people in different parts of Chongqing received an early warning, according to Wu Liangyan, an information officer with the Institute of Care-Life in Chengdu.
A real-time early warning system running on TV sets and mobile phones, which people can make use of in case of an earthquake, has been installed by the institute.
The system sends warnings seconds after a quake is detected and can help save lives because the warnings are transmitted via radio waves, which are able to travel faster than seismic waves — 300,000 kilometers per second, compared to 3 to 6 km per second for a seismic shock.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item