One arrested for Man impersonating as cop

By U.Zee

ISLAMABAD: A man was arrested on theft charge of defrauding citizens by impersonating a senior superintendent of police here on Wednesday.
The Shalimar police station (PS) was informed by a taxi driver that he was carrying three passengers when a vehicle bearing official number plate signaled him to stop nearby E-11 signal. After pulling over, the impersonating officer asked him to pay Rs25000 after taking national identity card and corona vaccination certificate, said a news release. Upon refusal, the officer took documents away, saying that he will tell the location through a phone call to collect the documents after paying him the money.
A police team raided the area on the location of complainant and arrested the accused, identified as Fasih-ur-Rehman s/o Hafeez-ur-Rehman a resident of G-11/1. The police recovered fake cards of various government institutions, three wireless sets, a vehicle bearing fake official number plate along with a vehicle.