President Xi calls for creating a new chapter in Sichuan’s development

CHENGDU: Chinese President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made an inspection tour of Southwest China’s Sichuan province. Xi stressed resolute implementation of the decisions and plans of the CPC Central Committee, carrying forward the great founding spirit of the Party, and being firm in the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability.
He required full, accurate, and comprehensive application of the new development philosophy and actively serving and integrating into the new development paradigm.
Efforts should be made to coordinate COVID-19 response with economic and social development, to stabilize economic development, and to maintain overall social stability, so that the governance and development of Sichuan will be brought to a new level and a new chapter will be opened in Sichuan’s development as a part of the new journey to building a modern socialist country in all respects, Xi noted. He called for concrete actions to set the stage for the success of the 20th National Congress of the CPC.
On June 8, Xi, accompanied by Wang Xiaohui, Party secretary of Sichuan Province and Huang Qiang, governor of the province, made a fact-finding trip to Meishan, Yibin, and other places. Xi went to a village, a cultural relic protection site, a university, and a company.
On June 1, a 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck Ya’an City, Sichuan Province. Xi immediately gave important instructions, requiring Sichuan provincial committee of the CPC and Sichuan provincial people’s government to spare no effort in disaster rescue and relief, consoling the families of the earthquake victims.
Medical care to the injured should be provided in a timely manner and arrangements made to help those affected by the earthquake, secondary disasters should be prevented, reconstruction be well planned and normal order of life and production be restored as soon as possible, Xi required.
The central departments concerned immediately activated the national level-3 earthquake emergency response and local authorities lost no time in coordinating disaster rescue and relief work.
Efforts have been made to ensure all channels are open to save people’s lives, the injured are well attended to, and those affected by the earthquake are relocated and resettled in a timely manner. Currently, most residents from earthquake-hit areas have returned to their homes.
The province has de-activated the emergency response and shifted the focus to post-disaster recovery and reconstruction.
During his visit in Sichuan, Xi has been concerned with the treatment of those injured in the earthquake and how people lead their lives as well as how the production is in the earthquake-hit areas.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item