Lee gives priority to boost economy

HONG KONG: John Lee will take office as the new chief executive of China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in July.
“We have to make Hong Kong a success by ensuring long-term development, stability and prosperity,” Lee told CGTN.
“The main focus of my government will be to ensure high-quality development of the city and that people can benefit from the values that we have created, so as to address long-term problems that have been troubling the community, such as housing, livelihood issues, and employment,” he said.
“Once we have consolidated a stable and safe environment, we can look ahead to spend all our efforts to develop Hong Kong in different areas.” President Xi Jinping expressed support for Lee during a meeting in Beijing in May, saying “the central authorities give full affirmation to you and have full trust in you.” 
Lee said he considers Xi’s trust and recognition as great encouragement and responsibility, and is ready to take on future challenges.
“We should be prepared to face challenges and tackle risks, so as to safeguard our sovereignty, security, and national interests.” Lee noted that the “One Country, Two Systems” principle has been successfully implemented in the HKSAR over the past 25 years. The city has become more resilient and dynamic after each challenge, he said, and more efforts should be made to further improve people’s livelihood, which is the most critical goal of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.
 He said the most unique advantage of Hong Kong under the “One Country, Two Systems” is that it is not only a special administrative region of China, but also an international metropolis, thus enabling Hong Kong to become a bridge that connects the mainland and the world. Lee added the more achievements Hong Kong can gain, the more confidence people have in the “One Country, Two Systems” principle.
Lee also said China’s 14th Five-Year Plan has established a clear path for Hong Kong’s future development, and how it can continue to play its roles as traditional financial, transportation and trade centers, and to develop four “emerging centers” – an international center for innovation and technology, a center for international legal and dispute resolution services in the Asia-Pacific region, a regional intellectual property trading center, and a center of culture and arts exchanges between China and the rest of the world.
–The Daily Mail-CGTN news exchange item