President Mirziyoyev promises broad probe into Nukus unrest

– Sees role of hostile foreign forces in violence

TASHKENT: President of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev has emphatically stated to assess the actions of law enforcement agencies in the recent unrest of Nukus, the capital of Karakalpakstan
Chairing a meeting, Shavkat Mirziyoyev expressed his condolences to the families of those killed during the violence in Nukus. He instructed to give a fair assessment of the actions of all participants of the event. If the law enforcement agencies exceeded the force, they should also be held accountable, he said.
The President also wished a speedy recovery to the injured, Presidential spokesman Sherzod Asadov said. “On such days, we once again deeply feel how priceless peace and human life are, how important it is to protect them and that we are all responsible for this,” the President said.
According to official data, 18 people were killed and 243 injured in those days, 94 of them remained in hospitals on Monday, including the seriously wounded.
The Uzbek President said these events were not organized in a day or in ten days. “External hostile forces have been preparing for these actions for years.”
“Their true goal is to violate the territorial integrity of Uzbekistan and cause an interethnic conflict,” Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.
The Uzbek President said an investigative group headed by the First Deputy Prosecutor General is working for a comprehensive, in-depth and objective investigation of the events. Impartial parties should be involved in this process, i.e. representatives of the public, deputies and activists,” he continued.
The President instructed Prosecutor General Nigmatilla Yuldashev to “study each case deeply and impartially and give a fair legal assessment of the actions of the participants in the event.”
“The actions of law enforcement agencies should also be deeply analyzed. If they used force improperly, they should also be brought to criminal responsibility in accordance with the current legislation,” the President said.