FO rejects ‘so-called’ dossier of Indian Army

-Says the dossier aimed at maligning Pakistan
-Asks India to fulfil own obligations to Kashmiris in line with UNSC resolutions
-Claims malicious Propagandas by Modi regime stand fully exposed
-Indian Military’s report claimed Pakistan aiding militants to infiltrate across border

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: The Foreign Office on Thursday “outrightly rejected “baseless allegations” levelled by Indian army through a “dossier” reported by various sections of the Indian media.
According to details, the Indian army prepared a 33-page defence dossier containing claims of Pakistan’s alleged ‘terror plots’ against the neighbouring country.
The so-called dossier claims Pakistan is allegedly aiding militants to infiltrate across the border for ‘terror activities’, the Indian website added.
Responding to the claims, the FO said: “We outrightly reject this false and fabricated so-called dossier, the reported contents of which have been crafted using disinformation, fake assertions and insinuations that seek to divert the world’s attention from India’s own brazen and well-documented campaign of state- terrorism and widespread human rights violations in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir.”
The FO spokesperson highlighted that instances had been reported where direct links between the ruling BJP and perpetrators of violence in the IIOJK, Udaipur and elsewhere had surfaced.
“Pakistan has regularly shared with the world irrefutable evidence of Indian occupation forces’ gross and widespread violations of human rights abetted by draconian laws in the IIOJK through comprehensive, evidence-based dossiers.”
The spokesperson said the evidences compiled by Pakistan had extensively documented the “truth behind India’s active planning, promoting, aiding, abetting, financing and execution of terrorist activities in Pakistan”.
The FO noted that it was regrettable that India had chosen to present fictional accounts to divert attention from its “own failures instead of fulfilling its obligations under international law and ensuring that the people of IIOJK are granted their inalienable right to self-determination”
Pakistan asked India to carry out introspection with a view to putting its own house in order.
“The mischievous Indian attempts at masquerading as a victim of terrorism and leveling baseless terrorism-related allegations against Pakistan stand fully exposed,” the statement added.