‘ASEAN to contribute for Global uplift’

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Chairman ASEAN Committee Islamabad (ACI) Ambassador Nguyen Tien Phong on Sunday said that regional integration of ASEAN countries is not only essential for the economic prosperity of the ASEAN region but also important for global economic linkages and connectivity.
In the same month, the foundation of ASEAN was laid on August 8, 1967, he said.
The 55th anniversary of this month will be made with the determination that ASEAN will play its full role for economic prosperity, trade integration to promote peace and harmony with the other regions of the world, Chairman Association of SouthEast Asian Nations (ASEANs) Committee Islamabad (ACI) and Ambassador of Vietnam to Pakistan, Nguyen Tien Phong on Sunday told media.
The Ambassador economic and trade liberalization, multilateralism, credibility, global connectivity, economic stability, youth empowerment, maritime security, political stability, and regional to regional connectivity are part of ASEAN’s regional economic vision.
While in interview on 55th Anniversary of ASEAN was established in August 8, 1967 ,he said that ASEAN reaffirmed its belief that regionalism and multilateralism are important principles and frameworks of cooperation, and that their strength and value lie in their inclusivity, rules-based nature, and emphasis on mutual benefit and respect.
Meanwhile he informed that the 55th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM) was held on August 3, 2022 in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia.