‘More Pakistani vocational institutes to partner with Chinese counterparts’

ISLAMABAD: “The Higher Education Commission (HEC) is formulating and improving the policy for dual degree programs in Pakistan. I look forward to the first China-Pakistan dual degree program officially approved by HEC which will be launched at Karakoram International University”, said Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, Chairman of Pakistan’s HEC in a meeting with a delegation from Tang International Education Group led by Director & Executive President Max Ma.
According to the Chairman, there are 57 universities and colleges in Pakistan that are committed to vocational education. In the future, more will be transformed into vocational institutes.
It is expected that the first China-Pakistan dual degree program officially approved by HEC will be launched at Karakoram International University to train talent in mining engineering, which will become a model for other Pakistani universities in providing more practical knowledge and experience in cooperation with Chinese universities.
HEC Chairman said in the meeting that the Commission highly values the role of vocational education in training and developing skillful technical talents in Pakistan to meet future needs.
He expects that more Chinese disciplines will continue to be introduced to Pakistan through the program to enhance the local vocational and technical education capacity.
Among the over 700 vocational education majors in China, Tang International Education Group has selected 210 most needed ones to be introduced to Pakistan under “CCTE” model.
“CCTE”, short for “China-Pakistan Dual Diploma/Degree & China-Pakistan Cooperation, Chinese Language Courses & Chinese Commercial Cultural Courses, Technical Education Subjects & Technology in Education and Further Education & Employment”, is a model developed by the education group.
Students participating in CCTE programs will learn in Pakistan for the first two years and in China for the third year before obtaining degrees from both sides. –Agencies