Reunification stance laid out in White Paper

BEIJING: The Communist Party of China is committed to the historic mission of resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete reunification, said a white paper issued on Wednesday.
“The historic goal of reuniting our motherland must be realized and will be realized,” said the white paper named “The Taiwan Question and China’s Reunification in the New Era”, which was published by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China.
As China has embarked on a new journey to build a modern socialist country in all respects, it is necessary to issue a new white paper on national reunification, a spokesperson for the Taiwan Work Office of the CPC Central Committee said in a statement on Wednesday.
Amid the current complex international and cross-Straits situation, the release of the white paper is also conducive to exposing “Taiwan independence” separatist forces’ collusion with external forces in making provocations and their attempt to undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the spokesman said.
In 1993 and 2000, the Chinese government published white papers on Taiwan. Over more than the past two decades, especially since the 18th National Congress of the CPC in 2012, theories on national reunification and policies toward Taiwan have been developing.
The new white paper offers a systematic elaboration of the principles and policies put forward by the CPC and the Chinese government in advancing national reunification in the new era. It also conveys the willingness of the CPC and the Chinese government to continue to achieve peaceful reunification and win the understanding and support of compatriots on both sides, especially Taiwan compatriots, and the international community, said the spokesperson.
The white paper said that, under the Party’s leadership, people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits have set out on a path of peaceful development and made many breakthroughs in improving cross-Straits relations. Increased exchanges, broader cooperation and closer interactions have brought tangible benefits to people across the Straits, especially in Taiwan, which demonstrates that cross-Straits friendship and cooperation are mutually beneficial.
“Never before have we been so close to, confident in, and capable of achieving the goal of national rejuvenation. The same is true when it comes to our goal of complete national reunification,” it said.
Peaceful reunification and “one country, two systems” are the basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question and the best approach to realizing national reunification, according to the white paper.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item