Khan booked under ATA

-Islamabad Police vows action against Imran over threats
-PEMRA bans live broadcast of Khan’s speeches
-Qureshi urges PTI workers to stay alert and wait for the party call
-Says Shehbaz, Zardari panicked after political advancement of PTI
-Important Session of PTI summoned today

By Anzal Amin

ISLAMABAD: PTI Chairman Imran Khan was booked under Section 7 of the Anti-Terrorism Act (punishment for acts of terrorism) regarding his comments at his Islamabad rally a day ago, it emerged on Sunday.
The first information report (FIR) was registered at Islamabad’s Margalla police station at 10pm on Saturday under the complaint of magistrate Ali Javed.
The FIR said that at the PTI’s rally at F-9 park a day ago, Imran had “terrorised and threatened top police officials and a respected female additional sessions judge” in his address.
The FIR reproduced the PTI chairman’s comments where he spoke about the female judge and the Islamabad police officials. In his address on Saturday, Imran had threatened to file cases against Islamabad’s inspector general of police and deputy inspector general of police and said: “We won’t spare you.” The former premier had also taken exception to Additional District and Sessions Judge Zeba Chaudhry, who had approved Gill’s two-day physical remand at the request of the capital police, and said she should “prepare herself as action would be taken against her”.
The FIR argued that Imran’s speech was meant to “terrorise” top police officials and the judiciary so they could not perform their functions and abstain from pursuing any action against any PTI-related individual if required to do so.
The magistrate argued that Imran’s speech had spread fear and uncertainty among the police, judges and the nation. “Terrorism has been spread the country’s peace has been harmed,” he added.
The FIR requested that legal action be pursued against Imran and an “exemplary punishment” be meted out.
Earlier in the day, Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said the government was holding legal consultations on whether to file a separate case against PTI Chairman Imran Khan for his “provocative speech” a day ago or nominate him in a previous case.
In a press conference in Islamabad, the Minister called out Imran for allegedly threatening institutions and preventing officers from performing their lawful duties.
“This is all happening in continuation — from a campaign after Lasbela incident when six army officers were martyred followed by Gill’s attempt to incite army ranks to go against their top command and then Imran threatening a woman judge and police officials for performing their duties as per the law,” the minister explained.
Imran claimed had in a rally a day ago that the Islamabad police was taking orders for action against his party leaders from “someone”.
“When I asked the police to tell me what did you do to Shahbaz Gill, they said ‘we did nothing, we got a boot from behind to follow orders’,” he told the rally participants on Saturday while announcing plans to move the Supreme Court against the alleged torture of Gill.
Imran also warned the judiciary against its “biased” attitude towards his party, saying that it should brace itself for the consequences.
In his presser Sunday, Sanaullah said his Ministry had prepared a report and it was conferring with the Islamabad Advocate General and the Law Ministry, adding it would take a couple of days to reach a final decision.
He once again cast aspersions on the PTI’s claims of Gill being tortured during detention, questioning why Gill had thus far not filed an application or named an official who allegedly subjected him to torture.
“This is all drama just to divert attention from his anti-state remarks and the campaign over Lasbela incident,” the minister claimed.
Earlier, the Islamabad Capital Territory Police (ICT) responded to warnings issued by PTI Chairman Imran Khan against the capital police a day ago, saying “anyone threatening the police or making false accusations will be dealt with according to the law”.
Reacting to the PTI chief’s statement, the capital police said in a tweet that it will continue to perform its duties “diligently”. It said the police had taken an oath “to serve the nation at all times”.
“All officers are rendering their services with complete responsibility and continue to discharge them. The police is an organised institution and we are bound to perform our duties come what may,” the ICT said.
It added that the police could not indulge in any mismanagement. The capital police reiterated that it will take lawful action against “all false allegations”.
Soon after Imran’s speech, the electronic media regulator slapped a ban on all satellite TV channels from carrying the PTI chief’s speeches live.
The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) communiqué — issued late at night — held that channels had failed to implement a time-delay mechanism which could curtail such occurrences.
In a four-page document that included a specific reference to Imran’s speech on Saturday night, where he had targeted police and judicial officers, the regulator said that only recorded speeches could be telecast, and those too would only be allowed if a time-delay mechanism was in place.
PTI Vice-Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi has expressed fear of Imran Khan’s arrest and said that the incumbent government was planning to detain the party chairman.
Shah Mahmood Qureshi, while addressing a press conference yesterday, said that a case was lodged against PTI Chief Imran Khan Sunday. “I think, the government is planning to arrest Imran Khan. PTI workers should stay alert and wait for the party call.”
“Imran Khan has addressed the historic rally in Rawalpindi which was his first power in connection with the PTI’s mass contact campaign. Shehbaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari are panicked after the political advancement of the PTI.”
Qureshi warned that Shehbaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari will be responsible for the consequences if any untoward move was made. “I was told that the street lights of Bani Gala have turned off.”
“The PTI chief has summoned an important session tomorrow. Imran Khan will address another rally in Multan on September 8. The PTI workers should stay alert and wait for the call. We are peaceful democratic people.”
“Today is an important day and we will stay awake tonight. Workers of Rawalpindi and Islamabad will have to come out for protecting Imran Khan”, Qureshi said yesterday.
“We have to continue our political struggle within the constitutional and legal boundaries.” He warned the incumbent government of severe consequences if it exceeds the legal boundaries against the PTI leadership.