Solar tube wells a viable solution to shortage of irrigation water

ISLAMABAD: The issue of water shortage for irrigating agricultural farms in Pakistan can be resolved on a permanent basis by installing solar-powered tube wells, WealthPK reports.
Agriculture is considered the backbone of the economy of Pakistan, an agricultural country. However, the vast tract of fertile land can’t be irrigated owing to the energy shortage in the country as the tube wells are run through electricity or diesel. Some areas are even short of drinking water.
Prof Muhammad Azam Khan, chairman of the department of horticulture at the Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, told WealthPK that solar-powered tube wells could prove the best solution to water and power shortage in Pakistan.
“The current situation calls for converting the tube wells into solar power. Small farmers cannot afford to pay electricity bills for running tube wells to irrigate their crops,” he said, adding that the prices of fuel and electricity are on the rise.
Prof Azam Khan said that the installation of solar tube wells should be the top priority of the government. “Local manufacturers should prepare solar systems because we currently import them at an exorbitant price. Both government and investors should focus on local production. Banks should step forward and offer loans to people at low-interest rates,” he said.
He said that government should involve service providers in the process. Private service providers play an important role in the development of agriculture at the grassroots level. Some farmers have installed solar-powered tube wells for irrigating their crops on their own. However, such projects have not been initiated at the government level.
“Keeping in view the high cost of fuel and energy, it is now essential to have solar tube wells. The shortage of water can result in a food crisis in the country. The shortage of water can force farmers to stop cultivating crops. Pakistan has already faced a wheat crisis because of severe heat and water shortage,” Prof Azam Khan told WealthPK.
Recently, Minister for National Food and Security Tariq Bashir Cheema announced at a press conference that 1.2 million agricultural tube wells would be converted into solar energy to reduce input costs and increase yield, especially that of small landowners.
He also announced the formation of a task group to complete formalities for the purpose and involve commercial banks in financing the initiative. Farmers will be required to pay back the loans within three years. He said that the prime minister wanted the formulation of short and long-term policies to ensure tangible results as soon as possible with a focus on revitalising the agricultural sector to maintain food security as well as the prosperity of farming communities.