AJK to commemorate ‘Defence Day’ with traditional zeal & fervor

ISLAMABAD: All is set to commemorate Defence Day of Pakistan on Tuesday in Azaad Jammu and Kashmir with the renewal of pledge to be alert and vigilant every moment, stand shoulder to shoulder with the valiant armed forces of the country and to defend the ideological and geographical frontiers of the motherland against all threats.
It was on this day in 1965 when the Indian forces through their cowardly act attempted to cross the border in the darkness of night to attack Pakistan, but the valiant armed forces of the country and the nation frustrated the nefarious attempt of the enemy with full vigor.
In this liberated territory of AJK State, this day, of utmost national significance, would dawn with special prayer for the stability, defense, progress and prosperity of Pakistan and for the early success of the Kashmir freedom movement, besides for the speedy economic uplift of Azad Jammu Kashmir.
Fateha and Quran Khawani would also be held for the martyrs.
Special ceremonies to observe the day will be held at various places in AJK, including at all ten district head quarters of Mirpur, Havaili, Muzaffarabaad, Bagh, Rawalakot, Palandri, Kotli, Bhimbher, Hattiyan and Neelam valley, with simplicity due to flood destruction in various parts of the country.
In these ceremonies, speakers will pay rich tributes to the brave armed forces of Pakistan and ghazis, who responded with a crushing reply while sabotaging the enemy’s attack on Pakistan. In Mirpur various special ceremonies, followed by rallies, will be held to express solidarity with the entire nation, Armed Forces of Pakistan and the martyrs of the country for laying down the supreme sacrifices of their lives for the defence of homeland.
The ceremonies will be held under the banner of various social and political organizations to mark the day. People will visit the martyrs’ mausoleums in central graveyard to offer Fateha for the departed souls, besides placing wreaths on their mausoleums. –Agencies