FO protests over killing of a Pakistani in IIOJK

By Our Diplomatic

ISLAMABAD: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday summoned the Indian charge d’Affaires in Islamabad and registered a strong protest over the “extrajudicial killing” of a “mentally challenged” Pakistani national in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu Kashmir (IIOJK).
A press release issued by the Foreign Office (FO) said that Tabarak Hussain was admitted in an Indian army hospital in IIOJK’s Rajouri.
“The Indian charge d’Affairs was told to convey to his government Pakistan’s strong condemnation of the killing of Tabarak Hussain, a mentally challenged Pakistani national who had inadvertently crossed the border at Naushera in Rajouri district on August 21 and was mercilessly shot by Indian security forces,” the press release stated.
Pakistan’s “outright rejection” of the claim that Hussain died of a cardiac arrest and the “mischievous narrative” that he was sent by the Pakistan Army were also conveyed to the Indian charge d’Affairs, the press release said.
“He was reminded that the Indian claims held no water, as Hussain, being of unsound mental health, had inadvertently crossed the border in 2016 as well and had been repatriated to Pakistan after serving a 26 month-long prison term,” the press release added.
The FO said that it was stressed to the official that the incident had further heightened Pakistan’s serious concerns over the safety, security and well-being of its other citizens in Indian custody.
“The government of India has been called upon to share the details of this particular incident, including a credible post-mortem report to determine the cause of death and undertake a transparent investigation to bring to account whoever is responsible for the murder of the Pakistani prisoner.
“Prompt and expeditious repatriation of the mortal remains of the deceased to Pakistan, as per the wishes of his family was also demanded,” the press release stated. It added that the Indian charge d’Affairs was also reminded about the recent “extrajudicial killing” of another Pakistani prisoner, Muhammad Ali Hussain.
Sunday, Srinagar-based civil society organization spokesman told media that Indian troops were blatantly involved in war crimes in the occupied territory where innocent youth are massacred extra-judicially— in custody and in fake encounters. The spokesman cited the recent killing of a mentally unsounded AJK resident Tabarak Hussain as just one example.
Modi regime’s actions in IIOJK, he added, can well be defined as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes as per international law. He pointed out that these Indian crimes are a challenge to the global community.
The civil rights body spokesman called for bringing Modi and his henchmen to book for war crimes against innocent Kashmiris, and asked the UN to place sanctions on India for violating of international laws in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.