Punjab lifts ban on Ad-hoc hiring

From Abid Usman

LAHORE: The Chief Minister (CM) of Punjab, Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi, has revoked the ban on the ad-hoc appointment of doctors by medical institutions through a notification to both specialized and primary healthcare departments.
The notification detailed that both the health departments – Specialized Healthcare and Primary Health – are allowed to make recruitments for the vacant posts of doctors and paramedics on an ad-hoc basis.
This decision was made in cognizance of the shortage of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals in the province, as highlighted in a summary by the health departments that was presented to the CM.
In related news, the Punjab CM declared yesterday that more hospitals will be added to the panel of the Sehat Insaf Card. He stated this decision during a meeting on the improvement of the Health Card program launched by the former Prime Minister (PM), Imran Khan.
“The provision of free healthcare to the marginalised section of society is the foremost priority of the government,” CM Elahi stressed.
Cyberknife — an advanced surgical procedure, was also added to the card as a part of the extension of the services offered by the program.
The CM had also announced during a previous expansion of the health card program earlier this year that medicine will be provided free of cost in emergency wards. He had directed the authorities to upgrade the emergency wards of all the hospitals in Punjab and to ensure the provision of the best services to citizens.